A Structured Education
Contrary to the graveyard of unsuccessful educational programs, including the “look say” approach to reading, whole language, and new math, the Christian school has been able to stand successfully on the following key principles: structured education is God-centered as well as authoritarian in its approach. Within these two principles, effective Scriptural discipline and godly character training can be incorporated into the Christian classroom. Students are required to sit up straight, to do their work, and to pay attention. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are taught in the light of God’s Word. Dignity of work and pride in America is encouraged; and honesty, integrity, and strong character are all traits to be sought after. Our mission is rooted in achieving a balance of challenging Mind, Body, and Spirit. As such, we structure our curricula and programming so students achieve an unparalleled balance – from the classroom to the field and from the studio to service.
Our faithful effort to provide a rigorous and challenging curriculum continues to empower students today. Our academic program employs a liberal arts curriculum rooted in classical education. From intellectual development to unparalleled college preparation, LBA students are given the tools to succeed both in the classroom and in life.
Our physical education and athletics requirements are focused on helping students develop an appreciation for leading a healthy lifestyle, as well as understanding the importance of teamwork and the benefits of sportsmanship. Through the pursuit of athletic excellence, our coaches focus on team success while building young men and women of good character.
Through our regular Chapel services and Bible curriculum, we nurture and develop faithful and compassionate young men and women who possess moral integrity and strong values.
What are the qualities of a Lighthouse Ambassador?
• individuals who trust Jesus Christ as their personal Savior
• who accept the Bible as the Word of God and as a sure source of wisdom and instruction
• who learn how to pray and to apply Biblical values to fundamental academic disciplines and to everyday life
• individuals who seek to achieve above average skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic
• who develop self-discipline and sound study habits
• who utilize technological resources effectively and appropriately, and demonstrate a personal commitment to continuing education
• who respect their body as a gift from God
• who understand their body’s systems and functions
• who achieve age-appropriate physical fitness standards
• who choose to honor God with a pure and wholesome lifestyle and determine not to abuse their body
• who recognize their patriotic responsibilities, including respect for law and properly constituted authority
• who seek wholesome, Christ-honoring relationships
• who value humility, honesty, integrity, empathy, and perseverance
• who work effectively in a team